This weekend is the Great Backyard Bird Count. Since the weather was poorer than expected we had to cancel on Saturday. I did go out during one of the breaks... During one of the break I heard what I have been searching for for about 4 weeks. I heard the palm warbler. It winters in this area but is somewhat rare. I didn't get a good look at it so Meghan and I decided to come out today and get our bird on.
I did get a good look at the palm warbler but couldn't get a decent picture. I also got a good look at a common yellowthroat. That's a few added today. I did get a decent picture of a ...
I did meet a few characters while birding and was able to show off the Say's... Which I did get a good picture! This guy is not shy at all.
Say's Phoebe |
After a short break Meghan and I decided to take advantage of the wonderful weather. We took a trip down to Seabrook. While we were down there we took a nice walk down the creek and saw some very active roseate spoonbills.
Roseate Spoonbill |
Once it was starting to get dark we decided to head home. Not a very eventful day but I did get my numbers up. Since I have the day off tomorrow I am going to take a trip and try to get some new birds. Hopefully I will have a more exciting post. Only two away from 100.
Current Moderate Year Count - 98 Species
Recently added species - Common Yellowthroat, Palm Warbler
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