Monday, February 20, 2012

GBBC day 2

So this was the second day that I went out and counted on the Great Backyard Bird Count. I wanted to get as many good pictures as I could to submit to the photo contest. Keep your fingers crossed for me. If you want to see the pictures I submitted you can see them here.

I decided to hit up El Franco Lee in the morning. I got an early start and I was able to get a picture of this guy.
Common Yellowthroat
He was really hard to get a decent picture of him. I sat there for about 30 minutes hushing him just to get one decent picture.

I also heard a pileated woodpecker while I was out there but I could not call him down to where I was. It sounded like he would follow me around but never got a decent look of him.

I saw the usual ring necked ducks, phoebes, kinglets, cardinals, and yellow rumps. But I did wander off the trail a little bit. When I walked around there was this one bird that let me get real close.
Maybe a little closer...
Oh hello... What are you?
A few steps more... maybe...
Nap time?
Come to find out it was a very tired female brown headed cowbird. Maybe she was busy fostering out her eggs. Yes, cowbirds are renowned for laying their eggs in other birds nests. The foster parents don't realize they are raising an adopted cowbird. So here's to adding one more bird... to the list.

Current Moderate Year Bird Count - 99 Species
Recently added - Brown headed Cowbird

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